Enjoy the Peace of Mind of Knowing You Have the Correct Time, All the Time!
Ever wondered exactly what time it is? Never wonder again with these atomic clocks and watches set by the radio signal from the U.S. Atomic Clock in Colorado. As an Atomic Clock, this national clock is one of the most accurate clocks in the WORLD. It's accurate to a microscopic error
margin of only 10 BILLIONTHS of a SECOND! There is no known clock which is more
accurate than this.
The atomic clocks and watch offered at GadgetUniverse.com pick up the radio signal broadcast from the national atomic clock and automatically set themselves to that it--allowing you to enjoy the same near-perfect accuracy as the U.S. Military! Just click a banner or text link to go to Gadget Universe. Once at their site, simply choose "clocks" out of their list of departments and pick the clock you want out of their large selection! |